
Number 4 Train Cake
I just wanted to say thank you again for Edward’s wonderful cake. I had many many compliments about it yesterday (several people told me it was the best cake they’d ever had at a children’s/party!) but most importantly Edward was absolutely delighted with it.

Chicken shaped Cake
OMG, he will be speechless!!! Thank you so so very much.
He absolutely loved it !!!

Wedding Cake
Thank you so very much for making the cake for my daughter's wedding, it is just what she wanted. Thank you.
Amazing, beautifully designed cakes that taste as good as they look!
Highly recommended

Fire Engine Birthday Cake
Thank you so much for the fire engine cake you made for my son - it was incredible! Off to eat some more cake for breakfast now!

NASCAR Birthday Cake
Thank you so much Karen, that cake was absolutely amazing! He will be gobsmacked, I can't thank you enough!

60th Wedding Anniversary
Oh, Karen - that cake if stunning! Thank you so much, they are going to be thrilled with it!